Friday, January 04, 2008

Ag Lansú an Lansa

An cuimhin libh na sé chéad caoga éigin míle Iaráicigh a maraíodh sa chogadh, dar le tuairisc The Lancet? Cacamas a bhí ann, agus bhí a fhios sin ag mórán ag an am. Ach seo tuairisc chruinn air anois. Ná creidtear gach a léitear, a chairde. Go háirithe nuair a bhíonn toghchán ag teannadh linn.

(The Lancet)
"In recent years, however, the journal's reputation has suffered from charges of politicization and a few prominent instances of scientific fraud."

"The greatest threat to U.S. national security [is] the image that the United States is a violator of international laws and order and that there is no means other than violence to curb it," Roberts wrote in a July 2005 article for Tirman's center.

1 comment:

Séamas Poncán said...

Nasc nua: