Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Meicsiceo agus an Eaglais Chaitliceach

Ba chóir d'aon duine ar mhaith leo aon scéal faoin Eaglais i Meicsiceo a thuiscint an t-alt seo a léamh. Tá drochscéal á thuairisc ag Dennis le déanaí, agus níl aon leithscéal ann dá leithéid. Ach chun iompar na heaglaise a thuiscint, ní mór níos mó a fhoghlaim faoi Mheicsiceo, i mo thuairim.

Bhí réabhlóid an tsóisialachais i Meicsiceo 1910-17. Mar a tharla, bhí iompar an rialtais sin i leith na hEaglaise ní ba mheasa ná iompar na Naitsithe nó na Sóivéideach féin. Bhí na mílte máirtírigh ann sna fichidí go háirithe. Seo cúpla sliocht as an alt thuas:

At the age of 38 on March 31, 1927, he [Anacleto Gonzalez Flores] was martyred: he was hung by his thumbs while being tortured to death. He refused to disclose the location of the Archbishop of Guadalajara and the leaders of the Cristero movement, defenders who fought for the faith. He was beatified along with 13 other martyrs on Nov. 20, 2005.

The newest Mexican saint is Bishop Rafael Guizar Valencia, known as the "Bishop of the Poor." He was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI this past October, on Oct. 15, 2006, and became the first bishop to be canonized in Latin America. Although he was not martyred, he carried out his apostolate as priest and bishop "amid almost constant persecution and situations of danger." He lived for many years in exile. He uttered repeatedly "I will give my life for the salvation of souls."

Ná déan dearmad den duine Valencia sin.

Seo alt an-úsáideach eile. Sleachta as:

As Mexico entered the mid-twentieth century the more violent oppression of
earlier in the century had waned, but it remained severely suppressed. By
1940 it “legally had no corporate existence, no real estate, no schools, no
monasteries or convents, no foreign priests, no right to defend itself
publicly or in the courts, and no hope that its legal and actual situations
would improve. Its clergy were forbidden to wear clerical garb, to vote, to
celebrate public religious ceremonies, and to engage in politics,” but the
restrictions were not always enforced.
Open hostility toward the Church largely ceased with the election of Manuel
Ávila Camacho (1940-46), who agreed, in exchange for the Church's efforts to maintain peace, to nonenforcement of most of the anticlerical provisions, an exception being Article 130, Section 9, which deprived the Church of the right of political speech, the right to vote, and the right of free political

...In 1991 President Salinas proposed the removal of most of the anticlerical
provisions from the constitution, a move which passed the legislature in

Tabhair faoi deara na dátaí thuas.

Tá an diabhal cliste agus roghnaíonn sé an t-am is measa chun drochscéalta a nochtadh, dar liom. Mar an ceann seo a luaigh Dennis.

The Vatican started an investigation into Maciel's actions in 2004 and concluded in May 2006 that he was guilty of sexual abuse, the order said....

In 2005 Maciel stepped down as head of the order and, a few days before John Paul II died, Cardinal Ratzinger announced his intention of removing "filth" from the Church; many believed he was referring specifically to Maciel.

Timpeall an ama chéanna a raibh an Eaglais ag aithint na naomh Meicsiceach, tháinig an drochscéal seo chun solais. Ní nach ionadh go raibh leisce ar an Eaglais an scéal seo a chreidiúint, agus, faraor, fiú a nochtadh.
On January 3, 1941, with the support of Francisco González Arias, Bishop of
Cuernavaca, he founded the Legion of Christ and its lay arm Regnum Christi in 1959. Maciel was ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood in Mexico City on November 26, 1944.

Maciel is the grand-nephew of a Mexican saint canonized in 2007, Rafael Guízar Valencia, who also was an integral part of the founding of the Legion of Christ.

Bhunaigh sé an t-ord ag an bponc a thug rialtas Mheicsiceo beagán saoirse don Eaglais, am nach raibh sé saor ná sábhálta a leithéid a dhéanamh fós. Tús athbheochaint na hEaglaise go hoscailte sa tír, tír ina bhfhualaing an Eaglais géarleanúint uafásach. Agus rinne an t-ord sin a lán maithis, fiú le droch-dhuine á stiúradh. Ní bheadh sé éasca do mhuintir na tíre an t-ord sin a chosc, as a lán cúiseanna. Agus seans go leanfar leis in aithneoin seo uile.

Is iomaí droch dhuine san Eaglais a rinne agus a dúirt rudaí maithe, cé nach raibh aon mhaith iontu féin. Ní rud nua é seo, faraor. Is dócha go ndearna Iúdás rudaí maithe ar feadh tamaill, freisin. Is iomaí cleas atá ag an diabhal, agus bíonn Eaglais Chríost faoi ionsaí i gcónaí - ón taobh amuigh agus ón taobh istigh.

¡Viva Cristo Rey!

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